Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today is a new day

I got up at 6:30 with both my boys, Alyssa slept over her friends house so they can go to McDonald's for breakfast, must be nice! I have an order to make for candles today and I think I am going to fool around a bit on the candles and do something creative, just not sure yet.

I see my Physcho Dr. on Thursday and he better increase my medications or change them cause it just ain't working. After what happened to me last year I swore I would never take Phycho meds again but apparently I need to take them cause my anxiety is thru the roof, heart palputations, feels like my chest is caving in and can't breathe, I shake and I hear echoes of everything and than I feel like I am going to throw the hell up. Anxiety, depression and panic attacks is apparently what I have. So this Dr better do something. I sleep good though thank god, it don't wake me up anymore so it is the day that bothers me.

Joe has class again today. He had a good day yesterday with the training. He needs this training to get a job. I've been living with him since May 24/7 and we are ready to KILL each other and I literally mean that! You just cannot live with a spouse 24/7, it's virtually impossible, to me anyway!

Jonny had a huge melt down in school yesterday and out came the water table again. Here it is, October, chilly and he is playing in water, LOL. They do at least fill the table with very warm water thank god. He is starting the sniffles but than again, Alyssa started that little cold last week. Lysol is good in this house.

I am going to start my cleaning, the wash is done, I did that last night so all I have is cleaning, mopping the floors and bathrooms to do and than my candles! YAY. I should be done everything by 12:00 and than I am off to take a nice ass nap!

I will show off some pics later of my creative candle I decide to make later and show you the candle of the order Jonny's driver wants with Vanilla on the bottom and peach on the top!

Hope you all have a wonderful day =)



Leslie said...

Hey sweety :) Great to see more entries already :) 1st off your candles sound soo good. Im proud of you hunny. Your doing a great job with them :) Cant wait to see the pics of the ones u made. I love two scented candles those are my fav. Wickless that sounds cool too. 2nd about your dad what you mentioned in ur last entry. Im so sorry he fell hun. Poor man :( But yes as u said, its a good thing you have him & ur mom live with you all. So you can keep an eye on them both. Glad ur hubby helped ur dad too. Your a great daughter hun. I am sure they appreciate soo much all that u do for them. I know if i was in ur shoes i would do the same exact thing for my mom.

Anyhow sounds like u have a busy morning already lol. I hope u get to go to the doc and get some new meds. Cause yes like you said it seems like the ones u have now arent working too well. I mean hun its awful and scary for you im sure to have such stress like
that. Im praying for u dear :) Im glad u are sleeping good though hun. Thats helps alot im sure. Im wishing luck with hubby and trying to get this new job. Im sure he will be fine ;) It sounds like
a good opportunity for him. Yes i hate to agree with u here, lol, but yeah. Both of being together 24/7 is not cutting it for u two at all. lol. You two are the type that are better together when apart more, u know that lol. Sorry my psychic intuition is peeking thru here lol. Im sorry Jonny had a meltdown again too ;( Aww poor boy. But at least the school has a good solution for him when that happens. It seems to obviously work and thats great :) Hang in
there babe. Have a good day. take it easy though a bit will yah? U overdo it sometimes hunny u know that. You work yourself ragged lol.
ttys. Love yah, Leslie

Bridgett said...

I had to stop using Lysol in our house. Parker just wasn't tolerating it and it's terrible for lung tissue. Instead, I made an all-natural mixture of water combined with grapefruit seed extract. It's a natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-parasitical. I use it for everything...cleaning counters, spraying the furniture, cleaning toilets. :)

Have you thought any more about putting Johnny on the GF/CF diet? We've even eliminated soy, most preservatives, and dyes from Parker's diet, and I just can't tell you the improvements we've seen. It's been amazing. If Johnny benefitted even half as much, I think you'd be impressed. :)

I love your candles. Like I said, if I had money, I'd order one. I'm so broke all the time. ::sigh::

Have a good day!
